No Free Lunch Dogs

"No Free Lunch Dog Training" method allows your puppy to have poise and dignity while you lovingly help them understand how to earn their rank in your family pack order. Just like a parent teaches a child. This results in a great desire to please you. Decide in advance How you are going to React to your Puppy. It is not what happens to you or your puppy that counts. What counts, is how you react to what happens to you and your Puppy, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind.

Your puppy needs you to be their stable, benevolent leader and demonstrate love to them in a way that he or she understands. You will need to seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity. Your puppy will soon become your dutiful follower and want to obey you.

We believe to achieve the humble obedience and canine etiquette that you are looking for in your puppy, you must always duplicate the kind, consistent, training attitude of a canine leader. You will need to set rules and boundaries, and enforce them in a patient, consistent, and confident way for your canine friend. You must always "Seek the Valuable Lesson" and assume that whatever situation you and your Puppy are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be a successful team. This situation has been sent to you to help you both learn something, to help you become better, to help you and your Puppy expand and grow into that Dynamic, Loving, Human and Canine Family.

You will want to "Focus on the Future". Whatever challenges you and your Puppy face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about what happened on the carpet and who is to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do with your puppy and solutions to whatever in the past needs to change. Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future of the two of you running, playing, and harmoniously living together, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Become solution oriented with every difficulty you and your Puppy face. Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions, and create the solutions to your problems. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future and keep learning.

Look for the Good in Everthing and assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge that arises. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, a major proponent of positive thinking, once said, "Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem." The wonderful thing is that when you look for the gift, you will always find it. Decide to be Positive and require your puppy to earn everything he or she wants in life. This is a very safe, non-confrontational way for you to establish and maintain complete control of your puppy at all times. It is a permanent - life of your dog, obedience training method. To learn more...

No Free Lunch Dogs has been built on a unique idea of bringing a simple to understand Puppy Obedience Training Course to dog owners worldwide without a monetary charge involved. Simply put: "For the Love of your Dog".

Our mission is to help dog owners throughout the world realize their full potential in training and living harmoniously with their beloved canine friends. We focus on kindness, respect, committment and responsibly caring for your dog.

Building a healthy state of mind through patience, waiting, work and love is essential for a dog's well being and happiness. When you train your puppy to always have to do something for you, to get anything they want, it will gently remind your puppy that abiding by your rules will allow them to have these comforts and joys in life. Striving to understand your puppy first will allow your precious pooch to understand and trust you.

Canines are social beings and crave structure. It is up to you to position yourself as the alpha leader for your sweet canine friend, establishing that your puppy falls into a certain rank (as a child would) in the family pack ranking order. This can be done in a very positive and gentle manner allowing your puppy to always keep their self esteem and respect. You are the role model and "Top Dog" your puppy watches, loves, wags their tail at, and looks to each day for direction, rules and encouragement.

You are your dog's hero! All puppies want to know who to follow and what to do with their lives and your #1 job is to challenge their minds, give them understanding of their boundaries, the house rules and help them follow the rules, and share your love with them, so they can be happy.

Practicing this positive method will gently and effectively communicate to your loved one that their position in the hierarchy is subordinate to yours, like a parent and a child. You must always treat your dog with care, consideration and respect.

Always use positive reinforcement methods to teach your puppy a few of the basic obedience commands. "Sit" "Down" and "Stay" are the most useful and necessary commands in order for your puppy to develop proper canine manners and stay safe. You want your puppy to trust you and consider you their friend. Once you've given your pooch a command, don't give your little baby what they want until they do what you want. It's as simple as that! If your puppy refuses to perform the command, walk away, come back a few minutes later, and start all over again. If your puppy refuses to obey the command, be patient and remember that eventually your puppy will have to obey your command to achieve their goals. To learn more...

Enlist all the people in your home, including your children to practice the same loving policy with your canine family member. If you want your puppy to obey your children, then your children need to be involved and participate in training your puppy also.

Your dog must wait and be attentive for a treat.

Many families will make a list of the "doggie words" and "doggie training techniques" and place the list on the refrigerator or in a place where everyone can read it. Once your puppy has mastered a few of your basic commands, you can give your little pooch anything (food, a treat, a walk, a pat on the head, scratching their back), but before you share this love and attention with them, they must first perform one of the commands they have learned.

This is one of the single most important canine building blocks you will ever do for your puppy to help them build a stable mind, an obedient attitude, and the desire to please you.

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Love and respect are the greatest gifts you can share with your puppy. By nature, puppydogs are affectionate animals. When you show your love and affection with your puppy, you are reinforcing the behavior that happened immediately beforehand. Reward stability by not sharing your love and affection with your puppy when your precious one has just broken a household rule, or is displaying any dominance, aggression, whining, impolitely barking, begging, fearful, anxiousness, or possessiveness.

Prove your love to your puppy when your puppy is obedient. Give your puppy as much love as your heart can handle and then add some more! Be his or her best friend by spending the time and providing the proper care that your puppy needs.

This awesome, No Free Lunch Dog lifestyle training strategy can be done with a dog of any age. By practicing this type of loving, assertive, discipline with your precious friend, you will have that dog who has a solid obedience education, is a joy to live with, responds well to all your routines, has good manners in the presence of people and other animals, and you and your dog will fully enjoy all the blessings of each others company. Take the time to provide the proper training, intellectual stimulation, necessary physical activity and love for your beloved canine friend. Being kind, consistent and letting your dog know that you are the alpha, pack leader in a way that your dog keeps their dignity and has a special rank in the family pack order is very important.

To learn more - Try our Free Puppy Training Course It has much more detailed information and examples that can help you and your puppy bond and become that Dynamic Duo and live happily together.

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To learn all the basic training that your dog will ever need:
"Take our Free Puppy Training Course"